7 Amazing Effects of Turmeric on Your Body

1. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is a defense mechanism that is critically important when you have an injury or infection. It helps the body isolate affected areas and fight foreign invaders. Without inflammation, dangerous pathogens would have a clear path to take over your body entirely. However, inflammation is a somewhat blunt tool and can sometimes become chronic for no good reason. When that happens, you are put at risk for all sorts of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Curcumin has such powerful anti-inflammatory properties that it rivals some medicines designed specifically to relieve inflammation, but without dangerous side effects. Curcumin is known to block the NF-kB molecule that travels into the nuclei of cells and activates inflammation. So when you eat turmeric or take a curcumin supplement, you are reducing inflammation at the cellular level.

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