8 Best Foods to Eat with Arthritis

8. Fatty Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have strong anti-inflammatory effects, and that’s what you want when arthritis is dominating the picture.

Certain fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon, and trout are especially high in omega-3 and adding them to your diet is a smart move. Fish in general is also high in vitamin D, and some studies have concluded that rheumatoid arthritis is associated with low levels of D.

It doesn’t take much – just two servings per week are enough to reap the anti-inflammatory properties, but you don’t have to stop there if you enjoy fish.

If you’re someone who thinks it looks and tastes gross, a fish oil supplement is a good alternative. You could be rewarded with less morning stiffness, a decrease in pain intensity, and a reduced need for pain medication.

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