7 Best Herbs For Natural Kidney Cleansing

5. Dandelion Root

Dandelions might drive you crazy when they take over your lawn, but these “weeds” actually have a lot of benefits. Dandelion root is a diuretic that can help cleanse both your kidneys and your liver. It has been used to treat jaundice, acne, and anemia as well as kidney and liver disorders. Dandelion root is also great for preventing irritation in the urinary tract.

To consume dandelion root, most people make a tea with the crushed roots. Simmer them gently in water for 15 minutes or so, then strain and drink. You can also eat dandelion leaves raw or cooked. Since dandelions grow virtually everywhere at a very fast rate, during the summer months you can get them completely free, right in your own backyard.

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