Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when your body produces an excessive amount of the thyroid hormone.
Since thyroid hormones play a large role in your health and wellness, you can feel unbalanced when you don’t have the appropriate amount of this hormone circulating in your bloodstream.
It’s fairly simple to test your thyroid levels although this test is not routinely performed. Because this condition is frequently misdiagnosed, you should be familiar with the most common signs and symptoms.
From excessive sweating to irritability, you can experience a variety of symptoms. Make sure that you understand this condition because having a good understanding is key to recognizing and treating thyroid problems.
Knowing what to look for when it comes to hyperthyroidism is important and can help prevent a misdiagnosis.
Unexplained Weight Loss
Because your thyroid hormone plays a large role in your metabolism, you may see a significant weight loss if you’re experiencing hyperthyroidism.
If your diet hasn’t changed but you’re experiencing weight loss, then this would be a symptom. When you thyroid begins to work excessively, it can significantly increase your metabolism.
You may also see a significant increased appetite. The combined symptoms of eating more calories while losing weight are key indicators that your thyroid hormone is excessive.
You may notice this symptom over a period of time and it may take some time to track your weight loss.
Rapid Heart Rate
Hyperthyroidism increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. You may not have these problems right away. However, one of the early signs that hyperthyroidism is occurring is a rapid heartbeat or even an irregular heartbeat.
This symptom is caused by an increased heart rate stimulated by excessive thyroid production. Your heartrate will increase if you’re exercising and this is a normal occurrence.
However, if you notice a rapid heartbeat while sitting or when you’re not exercising, you may be experiencing hyperthyroidism. This symptom will occur spontaneously and may come and go.
If you notice this on a regular basis, be sure to discuss with your doctor.
High Stress and Anxiety
Everyone experiences some stress and anxiety in their lives. However, hyperthyroidism can cause excessive worry. This means that even small problems that pop up in your life can suddenly be huge stressors.
You may be noticing that you’re not responding normally to the stressors in your daily life. If you’re seeing an increased amount of anxiety in your life that’s not caused by anything else, then you may be experiencing hyperthyroidism.
The side effects of stress can be incredibly damaging so be aware of your signs and symptoms.
High Temperature
Hyperthyroidism will stimulate your body’s heat production and make your temperature rise.
You may feel flushed even though you’re not actually ill. You may notice that you’re suddenly more sensitive to warm temperatures and that you constantly feel hot, even in cooler weather.
People who notice that they are suddenly hot all the time may be experiencing this problem. Because hyperthyroidism doesn’t always get diagnosed right away, this symptom may not be noticeable at first.
People who tend to be cold all the time will pick up on this symptom much faster.